Alte Nikolaikirche

Ev. luth. St. Paulsgemeinde

212.07 -12.08.2001
Frankfurt am Main


33 wooden sculptures
+ black Calatorao marble enlargement


The Exhibition MARIA took place in the Evangleical Lutheran Altekikolaikirche at the Dom Square of Frankfurt am Main.

The structure was conceived by the artist to have the marble enlargement of the black MARIA entering from the ancient door of the church at the time it was still a Catholic temple. The soil from which the glass cylinders arose was collected by the river Rhine

The exhibition received a large diffusion by the media, due to the unexpected presence of the Icon MARIA at an Evangelical Church, and it was visited by more than eight thousand people.

It is relevant to the speech at the inauguration given by Pastor, Andrea Braunberger-Myers.

At the opening, a didgeridoo performance by Axel Dettoni took place.